CAST-IN-SITU concrete works
For concrete works, we carry out formwork, reinforcement, and concreting of monolithic walls, ceilings, posts, beams, and stairs.
In addition, we also have a long history of building concrete floors.
- We carry out formwork for different constructions. We also have long-term experience in building wooden and board castings, from the simplest foundations to the most sophisticated concrete surfaces.
- We own our own modular formwork, but we also work with major formwork suppliers (Doka, Peri, Hünnebeck). If necessary, we will prepare formwork layouts.
- For panel formwork, we use large-scale modular scaffolding. For girder slab formwork, we usually use solid-web girders, but we can also use board formworks as needed.
- We carry out reinforcement work along with supplying rebar, preparing cutting, bending, and installing rebar. We have bending machines and guillotines for preparing rebar. We carry out reinforcement of post-tensioned concrete together with long-term partners.
- We are prepared with our company’s team of engineers and builders to take part in planning reinforcement projects.
Author: Raul Mee/Ehitusuudised
- Concreting of structures is an integral part of concrete work. Thus, we have strong professional experience in performing various concreting works, from concreting large-scale wind generators to concreting exposed concrete surfaces.
- One of our main areas of activity is the construction of concrete floors with relief work for apartment buildings, office buildings, and floors of several thousand square meters.
Completed projects

BLRT Grupp topeltarmeeritud põrand
Concrete floors

Narva 300 MW CFB elektrijaama korstna vundament
Factory facilities

Concrete works in Länsimetro Soukka metro station
Concrete works

Olympic stadium renovation works in part C, D, E, F in Helsingi
Concrete works

Roseni tn 9/9a hotell-korterelamu ja Roseni tn 11 ärihoone r/b elementide montaaž
Concrete works

Lennujaama trammipeatusehoone, ühendusgalerii ja disainiala vundamendid
Concrete works

Kunderi kortermajade betoonkonstruktsioonid
Element assembly

Laki 36 kaubandus- ja teenindushoone betooni- ja montaažitööd
Concrete works

Kalasatama trafoalajaam
Concrete works

Karl Storz Video Endoscopy Estonia OÜ
Concrete works

ESS teaduskeskuse hoonetekompleksi I etapp
Concrete works

Kehärata metroo Vesikuja peatuse rajatised
Concrete works

Oskarshamni elektri ja soojuse koostootmisjaama montaaži- ja betoonitööd
Concrete works

Petroter 2 õlitehase kondensatsiooniala montaaž
Concrete works

Ropka tipukatlamaja vundamendi betoonitööd
Concrete works

Postimaja rekonstrueerimine
Concrete works

EE Kaevanduse energiakompleksi ühendlao settebassein
Concrete works

EE Õlitööstuse Enefit-280 kütuse etteandmisrajatised
Concrete works

Ragn-Sells jäätmekütusetehase betoonitööd ja r/b elementide montaaž
Concrete works

Eesti Kunstiakadeemia monoliitbetooni- ja montaažitööd

Ramirendi tehasehoone vundamendiplaadi ehitus
Concrete floors

PVC-halli järelpinge betoonpõranda ehitus
Concrete floors

Pöörise 6 parkimismaja pealevalud
Parking buildings

Rummu tee jalakäijate tunnel

Ülemiste liiklussõlme rekonstrueerimine
Infrastructure facilities

Joaveski kalatrepp
Infrastructure facilities

Clarion Hotel Helsinki betoonkonstruktsioonide ehitus ning betoonelementide montaaž

Lohja Yrittäjätalo büroohoone betoonitööd

Lõõtsa 5 büroohoone betooni- ja montaažitööd

Niittykumpu kaubanduskeskus ja parkimismaja

Helsingi Fenixinrinne korterelamu betoonitööd

Redi Kaubanduskeskuse monteeritavate elementide monolitiseerimine

Osula graanulitehase lao PVC-halli järelpinge betoonpõranda ehitus
Concrete floors
Work is carried out by Maru Betoonitööd OÜ
Maru Betoonitööd OÜ
Järvevana tee 5, 10132 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 657 5971
Fax: +372 657 5851