
Annual strategy seminar focuses on enhancing internal processes and customer calue

We held our annual team strategy seminar at Tõstamaa Dairy. This year, we focused on streamlining internal processes, which play a crucial role in our strategy to create even more unique value for our clients.Lean focuses on creating customer value by eliminating waste in processes. It emphasizes that all activities that do not add value are considered wasteful. Lean maps out the steps necessary to create value and ensures a continuous workflow where all activities move through the process without delays. The Pull System and continuous improvement (Kaizen) are central to Lean, emphasizing ongoing improvements involving all employees in the organization. The philosophy of Kaizen centers on small, incremental improvements that accumulate over time into significant changes. Lean thinking encourages cost efficiency by identifying and eliminating all sources of waste, aiming to increase the time spent on value-adding activities. Leaders are encouraged to grow, respect, and develop their personnel and partners while always looking at value creation from the customer’s perspective.

The training was facilitated by business consultant Raul Varrak from Lean OÜ, who mentored us during the Digitalization Masterclass conducted by EAS and BDA. During the seminar, we also analyzed the company’s competitive position through a SWOT analysis, and our Development Manager, Rivo Leo, provided a summary of the Digitalization Masterclass. After the serious seminar work, we continued with social activities, including paintball in Audru and a dinner at Tõstamaa Dairy, featuring a wine tasting led by a sommelier from Liviko.
After the seminar, we also visited the apartment building construction site of Tiiru tn 3 Valgre residential district in Pärnu.

Thank you to all participants for an inspiring and productive seminar! We will continue working together to enhance internal processes and focus on providing a client-centric comprehensive framework construction service.